From UX Product Designer to Product Management Leadership

My journey began with design, evolving through coding to bring designs to life and leading front-end teams in crafting robust design systems. This fusion of design expertise, technical proficiency, and leadership roles has shaped my approach to strategically crafting and executing product roadmaps as a UX Product Manager



Our client sought to revolutionize their app by incorporating a new feature that empowered customers to pre-order, pay at the pump, or pay in advance.

With a keen focus on efficiency, we embarked on a journey of exploration, crafting various layouts and interactive patterns. Our primary objective? Ensuring that all actions required just 1 to 3 simple steps.

Considering the fast-paced nature of gas stations and convenience stores, where speed is paramount, we meticulously designed an experience aimed at swift in-and-out visits. Below, you'll find a collection of both low and high fidelity mockups showcasing some of the screen designs we envisioned.

Our roles encompassed the perspectives of both the in-store attendants operating the point-of-sale system and the customers utilizing the mobile app. Together, we crafted a seamless and intuitive interface, enhancing the overall convenience for all users involved



At Circa Victor, a political tech startup I joined in May 2016, I embarked on an exciting journey centered around the creation of Redline within an ambitious 4-week timeframe. Redline's objective was to empower multimedia corporations facing financial uncertainties.

Our client, a prominent multimedia corporation, brought forth a critical issue. Political committees often struggled to meet financial commitments, leading to substantial losses for broadcasting companies. Selling media services became precarious without insight into committees' payment capabilities.

Our primary focus was to alleviate revenue loss experienced by multimedia corporations due to defaults from political committees, thereby reducing risks associated with acquiring new customers.

Circa Victor took charge, crafting an innovative product ensuring revenue security through informed decision-making. Our solution equips media corporations to discern trustworthy committees, facilitating targeted partnerships based on their likelihood of default.

We devised a comprehensive system that scrutinizes committees' expenditures, donations, and available funds. By utilizing specific data parameters, we assign each committee a designation—healthy, risky, or safe—providing invaluable insights into their financial stability.

Revolutionizing Clinical Trial Recruitment

Introducing a Shop-and-Match Platform

Traditional methods for clinical trial recruitment posed challenges for doctors and patients alike, with cumbersome processes and strict eligibility criteria limiting participation.

The concept of "shopping" for trials was co-conceived with the Director of Health Policy, aiming to empower patients by streamlining the arduous process. Patients could create a comprehensive profile, simplifying trial searches and ensuring accurate matches.

Inspiration came from understanding patient behavior, noting significant online shopping time within the trial age range. Leveraging this insight, the platform adopted familiar shopping patterns for a user-friendly experience.

Key features included a trial "shopping cart," customizable profiles, trial tracking, and a robust search function. The goal was to simplify trial searches and offer tailored results.

While the proof of concept was developed, my role, although not as the principal designer, involved co-leading the strategy to conceptualize this patient-centric approach. The subsequent phase for implementing technologies to enhance user experience was pending during my involvement in the project.


In my career, I've partnered with top organizations in aviation, healthcare, media, and tech, including Fortune 500 companies. While I can't show certain designs due to confidentiality, I'm excited to talk about my problem-solving methods.

You can check out some personal design and spec work on my portfolio site